Monday, January 3, 2011

Why start a blog now?

Because before I used a diary to write down my expirences, vents, and my days to days during trainings, and deployments. Now, I'm hoping to post those here (well, most) so others that are going through similar things can know they are NOT alone. With the Military community being a large one you'd think we wouldn't feel so alone at times, but truth is most of the time we feel alone even when surrounded by 'friends' when our spouses are gone.

Most of us got married really young, and had a child within that first year of marriage. Military relationships move fast, and families are started quickly. You never know when they are leaving, or how long they are staying. So you have to fit what a civilian couple would do in a year into a few months out of the year. Of course not all marriages in the military last. (I'll get into that in another post)

So whether you are about to be a military wife, you are a new military wife, or a seasoned one I hope you find this blog relateable, informative, funny, and maybe sometimes you can sympathize with my vents :-)

*I put parenthenses around friends for two reasons. We meet many people throughout our duty stations some become our family, and others you learn aren't really your friends when you need them most.